
Girl reading to magical creatures

Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes

This is a birthday gift I made for my mom, it took me 8 days to finish and it is perhaps one of my favorite paintings.

It will also be my entry for this IF... since the illustration is about a girl who packs her books everyday and reads to magical creatures in the forest.

6 comentarios:

damon dijo...


Mrs. Mosley dijo...

I love this! The colors are fantastic. Wish I could see it bigger...

DK dijo...

what a nice drawing. love the shades on the tree.

Mr. Deuce Fly dijo...

this is really a nice picture

kkbonGo is a Keeper dijo...

I would so hang this in my kitchen, love it!!

Heather H. dijo...

love your work you are really great!!!!