
Plate design (design21) "Happiness"

Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes

This is a plate design I made for the yearly contest "Tribute 21 design"

This year's topic is "happiness" and being in harmony with our surrounding.
My design was based on many different philosophies but mostly on Maslow's pyramid of needs.

The bear with open mouth and eating bamboo represents our basic needs.
Bears kissing represent our need for relationships and love.
Birds flying represent our need for safety (peace).
3 different bears represent diversity and friendship.
Bear with light bulb represents our need for self awerness and creativity.
The world at the bottom represents nature as our home and the base of our existence. Following the green path towards the protection of our environment (black plants).
Birds flying out of the cage represent freedom.
Bears in lion and frog costume represent the opportunity of being who we want to be.

Anyway, I know the symbolism is a little too cliche, but I wanted everyone to understand the design... hope you like it.



Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes



Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes

Some of my characters and I