
Project 2 (Children's book)

Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes

This is a personal project I have been working on... The following sketches are part of a book I have been planning for the last couple of months.
A previous post with a Robot siting on top of a tree belongs to this same project.

The story is about a Robot who doesn't like to be just a Robot and decides to go out and search for his true call.
I will post the images in the order they were intended... note: they are just sketches and I haven't finish them all so just try to imagine where the story is going with the existent drawings.


Island 2

Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes

This is an old illustration... I had it here before but the quality of the image was really bad so I am posting it again.


Eliza dancing

Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes

This is an illustration I made for my wife as a Christmas present, I drew her dancing on our bed with our two ferrets.
The one she is holding is called Man.bear.pig after the South Park character and the one holding her leg is called Maricica (a traditional Romanian name)


Giraffe (Children's Book)

Publicado por Claudio Rodriguez Valdes

I haven't done a post in such a long time... I have been working in three different projects and many other small illustrations I did for birthday presents and I haven't had the time to post or even finish illustrations.
The illustration you can see right here is a final illustration for a book done by many artists and an author named "Skip" for sick children.
I TOTALLY HATED the final result of this illustration so I am working really hard to come up with a better, more artsy and not so plane idea on how to illustrate the story.

Here is a snippet of what the project is all about:

"Hey You Got To Check This Out!

I am so excited to tell you about a project that I am personally donating to. My artwork will be featured in a book and the publication will be available globally. But why would I share my talent and time for free? Well, its all part of this amazing voluntary donation project for special needs children. Starting as a request for simple illustrations it has resulted int he heartfelt outpouring of talented artists across the globe. But there is a twist! If you could do me a huge favor and visit this site http://goodstogold.com . Thank you"

Anyway after I finished this Illustration I realized that this was not the way I wanted to go... so I have been working on more ideas and will probably do the illustrations in oil and not watercolor.

I wont be using most of these sketches... but it has been quite hard to find the perfect characters to go with the story... one of the greatest things about this project is that all artists have creative license so we can do what we want how we want it.

I really liked this character (the one with the mask, long neck and horse body) but I think it is way to creepy for the book so I am keeping it for one of the other 2 projects I am doing.